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Critical Reflection

 What a wonderful module, Critical Thinking and Communication is. As I reflect back on these 13 weeks, I recalled the initial goals I set for this module were improving on my public speaking and writing skills. Those were the two giants I hated to face ever since my polytechnic days. Although, I should expect myself to confidently say that I have overcame these fears of mine, I don't think I did. On the contrary, throughout these 13 weeks, these nightmares continue to haunt me. As many would believe, the best way to improve is to practice. I would undeniably agree to that and in fact, I do find myself more comfortable with public speaking and writing. Yet, some of part me still disagrees. Don't get me wrong, this module is a perfect platform to practice and improve, but 13 weeks is just too short to learn, unlearn or relearn speaking and writing skills. I do also feel a need to see top notch examples in action that I can mimic than to simply practice. I think that examples, pra...

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