Critical Reflection

 What a wonderful module, Critical Thinking and Communication is.

As I reflect back on these 13 weeks, I recalled the initial goals I set for this module were improving on my public speaking and writing skills. Those were the two giants I hated to face ever since my polytechnic days. Although, I should expect myself to confidently say that I have overcame these fears of mine, I don't think I did. On the contrary, throughout these 13 weeks, these nightmares continue to haunt me. As many would believe, the best way to improve is to practice. I would undeniably agree to that and in fact, I do find myself more comfortable with public speaking and writing. Yet, some of part me still disagrees. Don't get me wrong, this module is a perfect platform to practice and improve, but 13 weeks is just too short to learn, unlearn or relearn speaking and writing skills. I do also feel a need to see top notch examples in action that I can mimic than to simply practice. I think that examples, practice and time goes together to grow and improve someone's speaking and writing skills. Moreover, this module sparks interest of speaking in me. I spent hours watching TED talks, public speaking world championship by toastmasters international during my free time and even joined public speaking club in SIT. This module also guided me with various tips to improve on my speaking and writing skills, which I find extremely helpful especially feedbacks by tutor and peers. This module is definitely not an end, but a beginning for me to continue to explore and further hone my speaking and writing skills. Public speaking club is a good place for me to start. As for writing, for a person who hates reading, I have learnt to read more. I believe that reading is the key to improve my writing skills by learning from various excellent examples available on the net.

Project learning is a big segment in this module. My project team consists of Shameer, Isaac, Aziera and I. The four of us didn't know each other from the start and yet I felt that we pulled off one of the best presentation I ever did in my life. It is a huge milestone for me and great learning experience from my three friends. Presentation skill is more than just a technical skill, it is truly an art. Being in an engineering background, it was difficult to articulate my thoughts into public speaking, but through the guidance of my tutor and three friends, whom I frequently meetup online to practice again and again for this presentation, I have found myself to be more confident in front of a crowd and better at converting my ideas into words. Of course, my class consists of only 10-20 persons so I still have plenty for work to do before reaching the big stage. Unlike mathematics, a problem solving technical skill, presentation was more of the output of solving the problem. As an engineer, technical skills are everything and so highly focused, little will engineers be concerned about speaking. Yet through the partnership with Shameer, Isaac and Aziera in this module, I start to view presentation as another problem solving skill. In order to obtain this skill, I simply have to step out of my comfort zone and apply the different formulas taught such as engaging eye contact, using parallel points within a bullet point slide, keeping things simple, using stories and examples to illustrate. To me now, presentation is simply another engineering obstacle to overcome. At the same time, presentation is also an art to express myself and ideas to others. There are countless ways of expressing and the best part is that there isn't a hard rule or formula for this. I have learnt a lot of techniques for presenting and hopeful be able to practice them soon.

Indeed, such a lovely learning experience from this module, Critical Thinking and Communication. Cheers to Prof Brad.


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